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Ingredient Sources Overview

Nutrient and Ingredient Sources Overview: USDA FoodData Central Data

What source was used to determine the nutrient content of the ingredients listed, and why was that source chosen?

The information in the table is based on USDA FoodData Central, a reliable and trustworthy source of nutritional information. This database offers thorough, precise, and scientifically verified information on the different nutrients present in typical dog food ingredients(raw).

The goal is to guarantee that pet owners have access to trustworthy information so they can make educated decisions on their dog’s diet by utilizing USDA data.

Why are some ingredients listed for specific nutrients but not others, even if they provide varying amounts of those nutrients?

Ingredients are listed next to specific nutrients based on their most significant contributions. For instance, if an ingredient provides a larger quantity of a particular nutrient but only a small amount of another, then it is listed next to the nutrient it contributes the most.

Let’s take potatoes, flesh and skin, raw as an example.

Nutrients Percentage
2.05 %
0.09 %
17.5 %
2.1 %

Potatoes contain 17.5% carbohydrates but only 0.09% fat. In the table, potatoes are listed next to carbohydrates because that’s their major contribution. Since their fat content is minimal, they aren’t listed next to fat. We also look at the ratios of nutrients to determine their significance.

If a nutrient makes up less than 1% of the ingredient and is present lower on the ingredient list, we do not consider it significant enough to affect a dog’s health and nutrition.

This method allows us to focus on the primary nutrients that have the most substantial impact on a dog’s diet.

How is the correct entry chosen for nutritional information on the USDA FoodData Central website?

Since dog food production begins with raw, unprocessed products, entries that represent these raw ingredients are selected on the USDA FoodData Central website to ensure accurate nutritional data.

Additionally, the quality and nutritional content of ingredients can vary based on the origin and type. When the origin and type of the ingredients are known, appropriate selections are made to reflect the most relevant and accurate information for each raw ingredient.

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